Early Experiences With Money

Component: Money & Decision Making | Grade Level: Grade 4-6

Learning Targets:

Targets for knowledge, skills, and behaviours below are possible targets. It is not expected that all will be covered by a single Teaching Unit. Teachers can select their learning targets using the Teaching Units provided (to the right), adaptations of these Teaching Units, or Units/Lesson Plans they develop on their own.


  • Reasons why we have money – spending, saving, pricing
  • People have different amounts of money to use
  • How bartering becomes difficult as the number of people and products and services increases
  • How money makes exchange in the economy easier
  • What is used as money to pay for things
  • What we can do with money
  • Resources and money are limited and this affects our ability to get things we may want
  • Every money decision we make involves a trade-off


  • Recognize money and the value of different denominations
  • Have a sense of the value of money and how goods and services differ in value and cost
  • Use money to spend and save
  • Calculate correct change


  • Think about options and the trade-offs when they make a money decision – what they are giving up
  • Consider the impact their money decisions may have on others, the environment, etc.
  • Make decisions knowing it is difficult for most people to have everything they want

Teaching Unit:

Early Experiences With Money

Children encounter money and money decisions early in life. It is important that financial education starts early.

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