Helping students take control

  • Spending and Taking Control – This is a link to a chapter in CFEE’s book “Money and Youth” that focuses on spending and taking control of your money.
  • Saving and Investing Money – This is a link to a chapter in CFEE’s book “Money and Youth” that focuses on saving and investing money.
  • How to Save Money – The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s website teaching teens about how to save money.
  • Money and Youth – A web site of the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education.
  • Learning to Give – U.S. site: Learning to Give includes a lesson for young children, introducing financial terms such as spend, save, invest and donate.
  • Sense and Dollars – U.S site:  Sense and Dollars – a game that teaches kids about earning, spending, budgeting and saving money.  It is sponsored by Maryland Public Television.
  • Shopping at a Virtual Mall – Note there are ads on this site: Math Playground – this game provides a chance for kids to practice math while shopping at a virtual mall.
  • The Money Instructor – U.S. site – Money Instructor website including lessons and worksheets on spending money.


  • Spending and Saving – This is an Investor Education Fund short video with David Chilton and Rob Carrick discussing spending and saving.
  • The Berenstein Bears – Trouble With Money – This is a video the children get caught up in trying to earn money to buy things, and forget about other things that are important. There are also lessons about spending.