Learning Targets:
Targets for knowledge, skills, and behaviours below are possible targets. It is not expected that all will be covered by a single Teaching Unit. Teachers can select their learning targets using the Teaching Units provided (to the right), adaptations of these Teaching Units, or Units/Lesson Plans they develop on their own.
- Different kinds of investments (stocks, bond, GIC, etc.)
- Factors that can affect the return on different investments
- Risks associated with various investments
- The trade-off between risk and reward when investing
- Importance of knowing your investment goals, preferences, and risk tolerance
- Concept of an investment portfolio
- The advantages of diversifying investments
- Various frauds and scams that exist
- Where to find good information and advice
- Make basic investments, and build a portfolio to fit their goals, preferences, and comfort with risk
- Find advice and assistance if needed
- Set investment goals when they are ready to do so
- Diversify choices when making investments
- Make investments they understand
- Ask questions, seek advice, and help when needed
- Use reliable, licensed, registered advisers as needed
- Take on risk suited to fit goals, life stage, and comfort level
- Diversify when investing
- Avoids frauds and scams
- Review contracts and legal documents carefully before making investment decisions