Learning Targets:
Targets for knowledge, skills, and behaviours below are possible targets. It is not expected that all will be covered by a single Teaching Unit. Teachers can select their learning targets using the Teaching Units provided (to the right), adaptations of these Teaching Units, or Units/Lesson Plans they develop on their own.
- Different ways to pay for things
- To compare costs and benefits when making a consumer decision
- Some things we need and want may require saving – sometimes over a long period of time (examples)
- People differ in terms of the money to spend and save
- People make different money decisions for different reasons
- Others often try and influence how you use your money
- Both consumers and producers have rights and responsibilities
- Set priorities for their needs and wants
- Find ways to save money
- Make good spending and saving decisions
- Use an ATM appropriately and safely
- Deal with the influences of others effectively when making money decisions
- Complain effectively about a product or service if justified
- As possible, save some of their money for future use
- Consider the trade-offs and opportunity cost – today and in the future – when making money decisions
- Avoid impulsive buying
- Consider the possible impact on others and the environment when making money decisions