Students need to understand the factors that affect Canada’s ability to achieve its economic goals. They should be able to make informed assessments and judgements of the actions and initiatives undertaken, or proposed by, governments and other groups in our society.
Read MoreBy understanding the basics of economic systems, students will be better able to see the importance of their actions as active members of their society and responsible, financially capable individuals. They will be better able to interpret the economic world around them – and make better decisions.
Read MoreOver the course of life, people have, or acquire, things of value. It is important to learn how to protect things in life that are valuable – including loved ones, oneself, and the ability to earn an income.
Read MoreMost Canadians have investments of some type. Investing can lead to gains and improvement – or losses or worse situations. Learning about investing, types of investments, and the basics of how to invest wisely will help many young people.
Read MoreGoal setting is important in life – and starting early to think about goals, and starting to set goals, can improve a young person’s chance of achieving their goals.
Read MoreIt is important for students to learn how to make good borrowing decisions – and to be aware of, and protect, their credit rating. This will help them in the future when they face big borrowing decisions – such as a mortgage.
Read MoreStudents need to think about their future. Considering their strengths and interests will help them to develop a career plan. Then they will be able to explore possible career choices that are suitable for them.
Read MoreEvery community depends on small businesses providing goods and services. Students should have an opportunity to develop enterprising skills – whether they ever start a business or not – and consider whether being an entrepreneur is of interest to them.
Read MoreStudents can encounter some major financial decisions quite early in life – e.g., cellphones, paying for education. Taking steps to make a good decision is important. Knowing ways to save for the future is also important.
Read MoreTo help with financial decisions, there are some important things to know about money in the economy – who controls it, how it affects inflation, interest rates, and more.
Read MoreBy Registering, teachers in Manitoba can request a copy of the Building Futures in Manitoba “Teacher’s Kit” (see below). In addition, your school will be added to the list of schools participating. Our goal is to reach at least 80% of Manitoba schools over three years.